Sometimes we did not find any ideas to start a writing. There are certain times and certain events that can help us bring the idea to write. Here are some examples of when we can find a good idea to write:
1. When walking
Travel to a place of relaxation reliable enough to bring the idea to write. I often do this when I have no idea in my brain at all. Evidently quite reliable.
2. When worship
When worship is very clear mind and fresh. Not infrequently many interesting ideas when we come to worship.
3. At morning when we wake up
Wake up from sleep soundly for the night will bring a very good mind and fresh in the morning. Ideas that often appear during the spectacular opening our eyes in the morning.
4. When romance and fancies
Romance is not a bad thing. We let the romance of our minds where to go fly everywhere. The mind is left to fly the very powerful to find great ideas for the world.
5. When talked with a friend
talked with a friend to discuss a variety of interesting things can provoke a variety of ideas to come about us. Take time to relax and talk with friends.
Ideas that I find in my head, written here ...............