Internet marketing mulai berkembang di dunia.
Anda berminat untuk mencoba menjalaninya? Ataukah Anda tetap memilih dengan bisnis konvensional?
Semua pilihan ada di tangan Anda.
Yang jelas, pada setiap pilihan ada keuntungan dan kerugiannya masing-masing. Sebut saja, dalam bisnis online dapat menghemat ruang, waktu, dan tenaga karena peralatan yang paling penting hanyalah sebuah komputer dengan koneksi internet. Tetapi jelas kita tidak akan mudah untuk bertemu secara langsung dengan rekan bisnis kita untuk sekedar berbincang-bincang. Sedangkan dalam bisnis konvensional, memang banyak menyita tempat dan tenaga. Namun persaingan di bidang ini relatif lebih kecil dibanding dengan di dunia maya.
Jadi, setelah menimbang-nimbang berbagai keuntungan dan kerugiannya, bidang usaha mana yang Anda pilih? Mari mulai memilih sekarang untuk kemajuan usaha kita bersama............................................
Ideas that I find in my head, written here ...............
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I am Sorry.....................
Sorry, I do not have long to write in this blog ......
From now on, let's start again the spirit ......
From now on, let's start again the spirit ......
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Unique Goods, Many Sought (1)
Various goods that are not common or unique in other words, must look for more consumer-looking. Not the exception of food. Where there is food and a unique characteristic, there are many customers come each day.
For you who want to open a food stall, or at least selling the food, it is better to first create a type of food that is unique and tasty.
If you are difficult to find this type of food, I have some type of food that is eligible to complete the menu that you will serve. Let's see .....
1. Bean Cake Pepes
Pepes is the food of Indonesia. The raw materials are usually based on fish or meat. How to cook any easier. But if does not have any meat or fish, and want a price, can be replaced by bean cake.
How to cook very simple. Destroy the bean cake, and then mixed with garlic, onion, ginger, salt, red chilli, basil, tomatoes and pecan nut. All ingredients except tomatoes, mashed together with the bean cake. After all the mixed material, wrapped with banana leaves. After the above roaster baked for about 2 hours while some times be inverted. Done. Let sold. and consumers will find you.
For other menus, will be written on next article... Thanks.
For you who want to open a food stall, or at least selling the food, it is better to first create a type of food that is unique and tasty.
If you are difficult to find this type of food, I have some type of food that is eligible to complete the menu that you will serve. Let's see .....
1. Bean Cake Pepes
Pepes is the food of Indonesia. The raw materials are usually based on fish or meat. How to cook any easier. But if does not have any meat or fish, and want a price, can be replaced by bean cake.
How to cook very simple. Destroy the bean cake, and then mixed with garlic, onion, ginger, salt, red chilli, basil, tomatoes and pecan nut. All ingredients except tomatoes, mashed together with the bean cake. After all the mixed material, wrapped with banana leaves. After the above roaster baked for about 2 hours while some times be inverted. Done. Let sold. and consumers will find you.
For other menus, will be written on next article... Thanks.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Get the Inspiration to Write (1)
Sometimes we did not find any ideas to start a writing. There are certain times and certain events that can help us bring the idea to write. Here are some examples of when we can find a good idea to write:
1. When walking
Travel to a place of relaxation reliable enough to bring the idea to write. I often do this when I have no idea in my brain at all. Evidently quite reliable.
2. When worship
When worship is very clear mind and fresh. Not infrequently many interesting ideas when we come to worship.
3. At morning when we wake up
Wake up from sleep soundly for the night will bring a very good mind and fresh in the morning. Ideas that often appear during the spectacular opening our eyes in the morning.
4. When romance and fancies
Romance is not a bad thing. We let the romance of our minds where to go fly everywhere. The mind is left to fly the very powerful to find great ideas for the world.
5. When talked with a friend
talked with a friend to discuss a variety of interesting things can provoke a variety of ideas to come about us. Take time to relax and talk with friends.
1. When walking
Travel to a place of relaxation reliable enough to bring the idea to write. I often do this when I have no idea in my brain at all. Evidently quite reliable.
2. When worship
When worship is very clear mind and fresh. Not infrequently many interesting ideas when we come to worship.
3. At morning when we wake up
Wake up from sleep soundly for the night will bring a very good mind and fresh in the morning. Ideas that often appear during the spectacular opening our eyes in the morning.
4. When romance and fancies
Romance is not a bad thing. We let the romance of our minds where to go fly everywhere. The mind is left to fly the very powerful to find great ideas for the world.
5. When talked with a friend
talked with a friend to discuss a variety of interesting things can provoke a variety of ideas to come about us. Take time to relax and talk with friends.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Strengh of Our Products
A product that we make must have the power and benefits of the product compared with others similar one. Strength can be placed on quality, design, service, and others.
If we choose the benefits in terms of quality, our products must be clearly better than other similar one. Our products have to be more durable. From sources that can be trusted and from my personal experience, consumers still are willing to pay more to get a quality product that is better. By increasing product quality, competitiveness will increase sales and ultimately the product will be more smoothly, although the prices that we offer to consumers is very higher than other similar products. By improving the quality of the product, I hope you are selling well.
Another way to improve the design can create a unique and interesting, to improve service to consumers, and various other things. But things will not be discussed in this article.
Wait for next article on how to increase sales of your product. Hopefully useful for you.
Thank you.........
If we choose the benefits in terms of quality, our products must be clearly better than other similar one. Our products have to be more durable. From sources that can be trusted and from my personal experience, consumers still are willing to pay more to get a quality product that is better. By increasing product quality, competitiveness will increase sales and ultimately the product will be more smoothly, although the prices that we offer to consumers is very higher than other similar products. By improving the quality of the product, I hope you are selling well.
Another way to improve the design can create a unique and interesting, to improve service to consumers, and various other things. But things will not be discussed in this article.
Wait for next article on how to increase sales of your product. Hopefully useful for you.
Thank you.........
Restoring Your Business that almost Dead
For you who have a business side, you can try what I do now. But it seems to apply only to the business side, not a business major who used to bring the needs of your life.
Your business that experienced a decrease drastically the number of consumers, you can practice the way I do now.
Just a story. As a student, I have to try to get additional revenue. But its function only as a means of looking for experience, not sufficient for daily needs.
I sell the voucher of telephon provider on my campus. The target consumer is my friends at my campus. At first, my business is running smoothly. A lot of my friends buy the voucher to me. But, this is a business. Competitors are everywhere. Approximately one year after I opened the business, friends who do business on the same appear start with. At that time the number of consumers who purchase in place to decrease dramatically. Until my turnover does not reach Rp 50,000.00 in a week. But, before there are many competitors, the turnover could reach Rp 1.000.000,00 in a week. Several weeks ago, finally, I find a way how to restore the consumer to be back to ny "lap" again.
Let's see it .................
It's easy and simple to do. Simply adjust the price to match to my friends, as a student. In other words, it is make a lower price. Of course they are calculated with the RUPIAHS or DOLLARS. Pocket money of any savings that could, still be considered. Although it is only just a few rupiahs and a view dollars. Knowing this, I make my product price decrease in large-scale. So, the different price with my competitors is large enough.
Of course,This price decrease is make my profit also decreased. But I do not care to this condition because from the beginning, my intention to build this business as a means to practice the competitive world of chilling later on.
In fact what I do this quite effectively. Evident with the return of my consumers. They delivered the news that the price of mine is quite cheap. So I do not need to do the campaign again. The result is tolerable for the experience. And that can not be overlooked is “YOUR BUSINESS LOSS CAN NOT BE”.
Hopefully helpful for you............
Thank you .......
Your business that experienced a decrease drastically the number of consumers, you can practice the way I do now.
Just a story. As a student, I have to try to get additional revenue. But its function only as a means of looking for experience, not sufficient for daily needs.
I sell the voucher of telephon provider on my campus. The target consumer is my friends at my campus. At first, my business is running smoothly. A lot of my friends buy the voucher to me. But, this is a business. Competitors are everywhere. Approximately one year after I opened the business, friends who do business on the same appear start with. At that time the number of consumers who purchase in place to decrease dramatically. Until my turnover does not reach Rp 50,000.00 in a week. But, before there are many competitors, the turnover could reach Rp 1.000.000,00 in a week. Several weeks ago, finally, I find a way how to restore the consumer to be back to ny "lap" again.
Let's see it .................
It's easy and simple to do. Simply adjust the price to match to my friends, as a student. In other words, it is make a lower price. Of course they are calculated with the RUPIAHS or DOLLARS. Pocket money of any savings that could, still be considered. Although it is only just a few rupiahs and a view dollars. Knowing this, I make my product price decrease in large-scale. So, the different price with my competitors is large enough.
Of course,This price decrease is make my profit also decreased. But I do not care to this condition because from the beginning, my intention to build this business as a means to practice the competitive world of chilling later on.
In fact what I do this quite effectively. Evident with the return of my consumers. They delivered the news that the price of mine is quite cheap. So I do not need to do the campaign again. The result is tolerable for the experience. And that can not be overlooked is “YOUR BUSINESS LOSS CAN NOT BE”.
Hopefully helpful for you............
Thank you .......
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Investment in the Food Court
Several days ago, I went to the Food Court with friend-friends. The event gathered a normal course. Place at the university where I study now. Place is good and fun. May also be shared with a friend because the atmosphere so comfortable up there.
In fact I see a good investment in the Food Court. There a lot of merchants that also provide various types of food. Necessarily match the spirit of young people like us this. Moreover, it was built near the campus. Who is not interested to stop by and try the food there? Surely all of the campus that usually amounted to tens of thousands of thousands cornucopia there. Morning, afternoon, evening, and of course the night. A good place for investment, is not it?
How do I invest there?
Yes, please build the food court. Easy, is not it?!. So that place is your own. Well, if I succeed to build a place to eat it, live traders waiting-sellers who want to rent a place in the place. Passive income could be right?! But of course you must have a capital of a major. Continue, certainly through the procedures that must be complex and tortuous. Affairs for the procedure, I do not know, friend. What I really do not have the capital to make a place like that. So I submit that it is just an idea.
If the problem how to offer the vendors, I feel quite easy. You can paste posters in strategic places, through radio broadcasts, or through the newspaper. That's up to you.
Procedure makes it a problem, sorry, can not deliver. May be several months or several years after I successfully build the Food Court, I will submit the investment in grief like that place. Please wait ..............
In fact I see a good investment in the Food Court. There a lot of merchants that also provide various types of food. Necessarily match the spirit of young people like us this. Moreover, it was built near the campus. Who is not interested to stop by and try the food there? Surely all of the campus that usually amounted to tens of thousands of thousands cornucopia there. Morning, afternoon, evening, and of course the night. A good place for investment, is not it?
How do I invest there?
Yes, please build the food court. Easy, is not it?!. So that place is your own. Well, if I succeed to build a place to eat it, live traders waiting-sellers who want to rent a place in the place. Passive income could be right?! But of course you must have a capital of a major. Continue, certainly through the procedures that must be complex and tortuous. Affairs for the procedure, I do not know, friend. What I really do not have the capital to make a place like that. So I submit that it is just an idea.
If the problem how to offer the vendors, I feel quite easy. You can paste posters in strategic places, through radio broadcasts, or through the newspaper. That's up to you.
Procedure makes it a problem, sorry, can not deliver. May be several months or several years after I successfully build the Food Court, I will submit the investment in grief like that place. Please wait ..............
Monday, March 30, 2009
How to Start a Success Business
You want to start your own business?
You want to succeed in your business?
I follow the general course on my campus. The trainer is an owner of a place to eat in Yogyakarta. The restaurant is grown very quickly. Just imagine, in 7 years time, he has 34 branches in various cities around Yogyakarta. Really great!
According to him, to start a business that can bring success necessary accuracy in choosing the field of business will be. After that, dig more in the community needs in the areas of your business. This can be asked to your friends if they are attracted to what you want to try.
For example, you want to open a menu with food stalls and special roasted chicken. Ask those close to you if they like to eat grilled chicken, how they need the meat of the chicken, what they like from a roasted chicken, and so forth.
Other examples, e.g you want to establish a business card printing. Ask your friends are they want to have a name card, according to whether their name cards are important, and many other questions that offensive about your field of concentration.
After finding the field needed by community around you, start with establishing a small business first. As the experiment only. So no need to worry the damage is too great if we shot less accurate. By doing so, I believe your business will thrive.
It's easy to start a business, aren't you? What company you want to wake up? Let's start building now!
Good Luck, Fiends!!!
You want to succeed in your business?
I follow the general course on my campus. The trainer is an owner of a place to eat in Yogyakarta. The restaurant is grown very quickly. Just imagine, in 7 years time, he has 34 branches in various cities around Yogyakarta. Really great!
According to him, to start a business that can bring success necessary accuracy in choosing the field of business will be. After that, dig more in the community needs in the areas of your business. This can be asked to your friends if they are attracted to what you want to try.
For example, you want to open a menu with food stalls and special roasted chicken. Ask those close to you if they like to eat grilled chicken, how they need the meat of the chicken, what they like from a roasted chicken, and so forth.
Other examples, e.g you want to establish a business card printing. Ask your friends are they want to have a name card, according to whether their name cards are important, and many other questions that offensive about your field of concentration.
After finding the field needed by community around you, start with establishing a small business first. As the experiment only. So no need to worry the damage is too great if we shot less accurate. By doing so, I believe your business will thrive.
It's easy to start a business, aren't you? What company you want to wake up? Let's start building now!
Good Luck, Fiends!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Good News For You.........
Here is more good news for entrepreneurs ..............
The first is good news because many job seekers in job fair.
Now as many person who interested in the talent search event, such as sing, joke, and others. for example, events in Indonesia have Indonesian Idol, AFI, API, and others. but I do not blame especially on the event for the event. Once again:
I not against EVENTS SUCH. I DO NOT recommend that you did not follow FOR SUCH EVENTS.
I only see the other conditions from the other side, which may be beneficial for you, entrepreneur.
Let's Start .........
Do you see that there is many person who interested to the events such as the above? I think the number could reach hundreds of thousands of participants. One sign that can be seen here is ............................
"Many people who are interested to do in a world instead of the entrepreneurship world".
You surely know what I think!
Yupzzz, that's right. With many person who interested in the art world or the world other than entrepreneurship, there is slow growth in the entrepreneurial world. The competitions will not change significantly. Although, the actual competition of entrepreneurial world is very difficult, but most do not have the feeling relieved that the number of competitors will not increase much.
At least the good news that I can submit the fruit of this thought from my head.
Thanks .................
The first is good news because many job seekers in job fair.
Now as many person who interested in the talent search event, such as sing, joke, and others. for example, events in Indonesia have Indonesian Idol, AFI, API, and others. but I do not blame especially on the event for the event. Once again:
I not against EVENTS SUCH. I DO NOT recommend that you did not follow FOR SUCH EVENTS.
I only see the other conditions from the other side, which may be beneficial for you, entrepreneur.
Let's Start .........
Do you see that there is many person who interested to the events such as the above? I think the number could reach hundreds of thousands of participants. One sign that can be seen here is ............................
"Many people who are interested to do in a world instead of the entrepreneurship world".
You surely know what I think!
Yupzzz, that's right. With many person who interested in the art world or the world other than entrepreneurship, there is slow growth in the entrepreneurial world. The competitions will not change significantly. Although, the actual competition of entrepreneurial world is very difficult, but most do not have the feeling relieved that the number of competitors will not increase much.
At least the good news that I can submit the fruit of this thought from my head.
Thanks .................
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Are you including a person who like the freedom? Are you including people who do not like to set? Are you including people like that against the rules?
If your answer to all questions is "YES", that means you want to be yourself. It's same with me. I am a person who like violate the rules for the violation does not harm other people. And I do it in order to be myself.
Then, whether you work and live in a system that you have made a saturated? Do you already feel bored in the system which is the place you now?
If you answer "YES", it means you would be out of the system. During this time I also want to out from my system which have been more boring.
Next question and the most important is: Are you are ready to exit the system into your current place and to be yourself?
To exit the system required the courage and incredible energy. Try to see the illustration below:
"Imagine a drop of water on the taro leaves. Particles in the droplets that will try to join each other. Particles of water will not exit from its drop until something encourage him. While in the drops, the water particles may feel bored because it can only move in small droplets of water. "
As it also happened to us. The desire to join in the system is really great even though the situation ourselves in the system was very sad. This is because we do not have the courage to come out from our system. We feel we are concerned about the situation outside of the system will be worse.
Give a resistance to the feeling! Appear a courage in yourself to get out of your system now. And believe that certain circumstances you would be better if you leave the system, which only make you miserable this.
To be continued ................
Do not miss next posts to complete this article .
If your answer to all questions is "YES", that means you want to be yourself. It's same with me. I am a person who like violate the rules for the violation does not harm other people. And I do it in order to be myself.
Then, whether you work and live in a system that you have made a saturated? Do you already feel bored in the system which is the place you now?
If you answer "YES", it means you would be out of the system. During this time I also want to out from my system which have been more boring.
Next question and the most important is: Are you are ready to exit the system into your current place and to be yourself?
To exit the system required the courage and incredible energy. Try to see the illustration below:
"Imagine a drop of water on the taro leaves. Particles in the droplets that will try to join each other. Particles of water will not exit from its drop until something encourage him. While in the drops, the water particles may feel bored because it can only move in small droplets of water. "
As it also happened to us. The desire to join in the system is really great even though the situation ourselves in the system was very sad. This is because we do not have the courage to come out from our system. We feel we are concerned about the situation outside of the system will be worse.
Give a resistance to the feeling! Appear a courage in yourself to get out of your system now. And believe that certain circumstances you would be better if you leave the system, which only make you miserable this.
To be continued ................
Do not miss next posts to complete this article .
Rupiah of Trash
Discard of trash can not be avoided by all people. For a long time, the trash will be more and more and eventually cause a smell that is not good, and can even cause floods and other natural disasters.
To reduce the impact of waste that is around us, waste is to be changed into something useful. For organic waste, we can make the compost, while for non-organic waste can be made crafts. Depending on yourself, friends.
Let's start a glance the benefits of organic waste for our economic conditions. (For non-organic waste will be created in a separate article).
Form of organic waste materials, which easily rot. A benefit of it is to made fertilizer. Because the price of fertilizer at this time is expensive enough, it's good we look this business of making compost. By doing that, we can get three benefits. The first, the waste could be reduced. Second, fertilizer can be used by ourselves. And the third, increase in our family economy.
To make compost from waste is easy enough. Here is the steps:
1. Separate organic waste and non-organic waste.
2. Organic waste is then placed in a container. (For the making of compost at this time, kind of smelly garbage that sting can be separated. Do not participate in the compost is made. For example citrus leaves and bark, etc.).
3. Then place a few of earthworms in the organic waste. (For you who fear worms, can ask for help of others). Number of worms adjust the number of garbage. For one kilogram waste can be added with 10 earthworms.
4. Every day stirred poke. But do not use hard objects because it could harm the worms. And do not forget to flush this garbage once a day.
5. Wait until three to four weeks.
6. After that, your trash have black color.
7. This compost can use for your own or sold to the market.
8. You can take the worm to used in a new process.
Congratulations works utilize waste!
To reduce the impact of waste that is around us, waste is to be changed into something useful. For organic waste, we can make the compost, while for non-organic waste can be made crafts. Depending on yourself, friends.
Let's start a glance the benefits of organic waste for our economic conditions. (For non-organic waste will be created in a separate article).
Form of organic waste materials, which easily rot. A benefit of it is to made fertilizer. Because the price of fertilizer at this time is expensive enough, it's good we look this business of making compost. By doing that, we can get three benefits. The first, the waste could be reduced. Second, fertilizer can be used by ourselves. And the third, increase in our family economy.
To make compost from waste is easy enough. Here is the steps:
1. Separate organic waste and non-organic waste.
2. Organic waste is then placed in a container. (For the making of compost at this time, kind of smelly garbage that sting can be separated. Do not participate in the compost is made. For example citrus leaves and bark, etc.).
3. Then place a few of earthworms in the organic waste. (For you who fear worms, can ask for help of others). Number of worms adjust the number of garbage. For one kilogram waste can be added with 10 earthworms.
4. Every day stirred poke. But do not use hard objects because it could harm the worms. And do not forget to flush this garbage once a day.
5. Wait until three to four weeks.
6. After that, your trash have black color.
7. This compost can use for your own or sold to the market.
8. You can take the worm to used in a new process.
Congratulations works utilize waste!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Write a Fun
Write. What is in your mind when you hear the word?
Many of us assume that the writing is difficult, something that irksome, and others. But for those who are usual to write, write is something that was fun.
Why do we not begin to familiarize ourselves to write from now? Let us write whatever we think. Anywhere can be a place to write. In the book, in paper, and do not forget the blog page and website.
Many benefits can be gained from writing. Those are, can pour the content of thoughts in writing so that our minds can be a calm, can also get additional money for your pocket. Hmmmm, the second is interesting enough to be discussed. But to discuss this matter will not be very detailed and only in outline.
First, we surely ask: how to write well? The answer is quite simple but it is difficult enough to do for people who are less than normal writing. It is, "to make yourself have a habit to write." As I think, you may be thinking that "any posts me less good. So for what I write something. "Almost all people consider the language used in their less good, less so interested to write and think their people will not read. Exactly the same as I think for this.
From now, let us write. However the language used in any posts, no problem. Writing in this blog are not known very bad, isn't it? That's because I started writing this blog a few weeks ago. Before started to do it, I really do not like to a writing activity. So please do not make a wise in your first writing activity, the writing language that you will use it directly. That may not happen, except with the "alakazammm" of course. Ha .... ha .... ha ....
Back to the benefits of writing that can add our pocket money. Writing a good course will be loved by others. If you are able to write with it, many people find us any posts. So, no long run for people interested to install their advertising on medias where we write. Such as books or websites or blogs, for example. From here, our pocket money will be grow.
In essence, this paper I invite all readers to start to familiarize oneself to write. I was also a new stage in the study, so let's learn to write together.
It's enough. Oke?! Tomorrow will be resumed again. Sorry if the grammar I use is not very great. Gratitude if you can understand with me on over writing. If you do not understand, this means that my post writings are not really good. So essentially, let us improve the quality of any posts to familiarize oneself with the writing.
Spirit! Thanks!
Many of us assume that the writing is difficult, something that irksome, and others. But for those who are usual to write, write is something that was fun.
Why do we not begin to familiarize ourselves to write from now? Let us write whatever we think. Anywhere can be a place to write. In the book, in paper, and do not forget the blog page and website.
Many benefits can be gained from writing. Those are, can pour the content of thoughts in writing so that our minds can be a calm, can also get additional money for your pocket. Hmmmm, the second is interesting enough to be discussed. But to discuss this matter will not be very detailed and only in outline.
First, we surely ask: how to write well? The answer is quite simple but it is difficult enough to do for people who are less than normal writing. It is, "to make yourself have a habit to write." As I think, you may be thinking that "any posts me less good. So for what I write something. "Almost all people consider the language used in their less good, less so interested to write and think their people will not read. Exactly the same as I think for this.
From now, let us write. However the language used in any posts, no problem. Writing in this blog are not known very bad, isn't it? That's because I started writing this blog a few weeks ago. Before started to do it, I really do not like to a writing activity. So please do not make a wise in your first writing activity, the writing language that you will use it directly. That may not happen, except with the "alakazammm" of course. Ha .... ha .... ha ....
Back to the benefits of writing that can add our pocket money. Writing a good course will be loved by others. If you are able to write with it, many people find us any posts. So, no long run for people interested to install their advertising on medias where we write. Such as books or websites or blogs, for example. From here, our pocket money will be grow.
In essence, this paper I invite all readers to start to familiarize oneself to write. I was also a new stage in the study, so let's learn to write together.
It's enough. Oke?! Tomorrow will be resumed again. Sorry if the grammar I use is not very great. Gratitude if you can understand with me on over writing. If you do not understand, this means that my post writings are not really good. So essentially, let us improve the quality of any posts to familiarize oneself with the writing.
Spirit! Thanks!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Blog, Ladang penghasilan yang cukup menjanjikan (1)
Blog. Tentu saja teman-teman sekalian akrab dengannya. Pastinya begitu, karena yang sedang Anda baca sekarang adalah salah satu dari sepuluh juta blog yang ada di dunia saat ini. Teman-teman mungkin juga telah merawat satu atau beberapa halaman blog.
Keakraban kita dengan yang namanya blog sepertinya akan semakin menguntungkan. Salah satunya kita bisa menambal kantong kita dari hasil menulis di blog. Tentu saja penghasilan itu tidak begitu saja datang sesaat setelah kita menciptakan sebuah blog. Namun mengikuti beberapa tahap.
Saya tak menyarankan teman-teman yang telah memiliki pengalaman dalam hal ini untuk melanjutkan membaca artikel ini. Jika tak keberatan, saya mohon pembenaran dari tulisan ini jika menurut saudara ada bagian yang salah.
Kita lanjutkan bahasan tentang blog ini ya?!
Penghasilan di blog bisa dikronologiakn sebagai berikut:
Kita membuat blog. Kemudian kita mengatur tampilan dan mengisi blog kita. Menerbitkan artikel yang menjadi tema dalam blog yang Anda kelola. Mendaftar ke perusahaan yang menjembatani antara pemasang iklan dengan pengelola blog dan web page. Memasang iklan di blog Anda. Jika iklan yang terpasang itu dilihat dan di-klik oleh pengunjung, Anda bisa mulai menyimpan dolar dalam kantong Anda.
Kira-kira seperti itulah alur memanfaatkan blog untuk memenuhi kantong kita. Mari kita bahas. (Tapi tidak semua akan saya tulis di artikel kali ini, bahasan selanjutnya akan saya tulis di artikel-artikel selanjutnya).
Yang pertama tentu saja membuat blog. Tak ada salahnya kita pelajari lagi meskipun kita sebagian besar dari kita sudah mahir membuat halaman blog. Ada beberapa layanan penyedia blog gratisan. Yang paling sering digunakan adalah melalui blogger ( dan wordpress ( Karena halaman ini ada di blogger, saya bahas yang lewat blogger dulu ya! (membuat blog melalui wordpress akan saya tulis di bagian lain).
Caranya cukup mudah ( menurut hanya membutuhkan 3 langkah).
1. Buka
2. Jika Anda ada di wilayah Indonesia, klik pada “Ciptakan Sebuah Blog”. (jika ada di luar wilayah Indonesia, bahasa otomatis akan diset pada bahasa di tempat Anda membuka
3. Di halaman kedua ini (Ciptakan Sebuah Akun Google), Anda diminta mengisi formulir yang tersedia di sana. Kemudian klik “Lanjutkan”.
4. Halaman berikutnya Anda diminta mengisi Judul Blog (Creative Ideas, misalnya) dan Nama Blog (ide17, misalnya). Kemudian klik “Lanjutkan”. Jika Nama Blog sudah dipakai orang lain, halaman berikutnya tidak akan terbuka. Ulangi langkah ini sampai Nama Blog tersedia dan halaman selanjutnya terbuka.
5. Di halaman ini, Anda dapat memilih “Template”. Pilih sesuai selera Anda dan sebaiknya dipilih warna yang bersahabat dengan mata, misalnya putih atau krem atau warna-warna yang kalem. Setelah menentuka pilihan, klik “Lanjutkan”.
6. Anda siap mengisi blog Anda sekarang.
7. Jika ingin Log In pada waktu yang lain, gunakan saja alamat email dan password yang tadi Anda masukkan di langkah ke-3.
8. Selamat memperbaharui dan menulis artikel di blog Anda.
Sebelum saya lupa, untuk mendapatkan penghasilan lewat blog, artikel yang Anda tulis sebaiknya ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Paling tidak 50:50 porsi Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. Jika tidak, perjalanan Anda dalam mempertebal kantong akan terhenti karena masalah bahasa yang tidak compatible dengan layanan penyedia iklan.
Setelah mem-posting artikel (paling tidak ada sudah ada 5 artikel di blog Anda), Anda dapat mendaftar di Google AdSense atau AdBrite atau yang lain. Untuk hal pendaftaran di Google AdSense akan saya tulis di artikel selanjutnya. Jadi jangan bosan-bosan mengunjungi blog saya ini ya?!
Keakraban kita dengan yang namanya blog sepertinya akan semakin menguntungkan. Salah satunya kita bisa menambal kantong kita dari hasil menulis di blog. Tentu saja penghasilan itu tidak begitu saja datang sesaat setelah kita menciptakan sebuah blog. Namun mengikuti beberapa tahap.
Saya tak menyarankan teman-teman yang telah memiliki pengalaman dalam hal ini untuk melanjutkan membaca artikel ini. Jika tak keberatan, saya mohon pembenaran dari tulisan ini jika menurut saudara ada bagian yang salah.
Kita lanjutkan bahasan tentang blog ini ya?!
Penghasilan di blog bisa dikronologiakn sebagai berikut:
Kita membuat blog. Kemudian kita mengatur tampilan dan mengisi blog kita. Menerbitkan artikel yang menjadi tema dalam blog yang Anda kelola. Mendaftar ke perusahaan yang menjembatani antara pemasang iklan dengan pengelola blog dan web page. Memasang iklan di blog Anda. Jika iklan yang terpasang itu dilihat dan di-klik oleh pengunjung, Anda bisa mulai menyimpan dolar dalam kantong Anda.
Kira-kira seperti itulah alur memanfaatkan blog untuk memenuhi kantong kita. Mari kita bahas. (Tapi tidak semua akan saya tulis di artikel kali ini, bahasan selanjutnya akan saya tulis di artikel-artikel selanjutnya).
Yang pertama tentu saja membuat blog. Tak ada salahnya kita pelajari lagi meskipun kita sebagian besar dari kita sudah mahir membuat halaman blog. Ada beberapa layanan penyedia blog gratisan. Yang paling sering digunakan adalah melalui blogger ( dan wordpress ( Karena halaman ini ada di blogger, saya bahas yang lewat blogger dulu ya! (membuat blog melalui wordpress akan saya tulis di bagian lain).
Caranya cukup mudah ( menurut hanya membutuhkan 3 langkah).
1. Buka
2. Jika Anda ada di wilayah Indonesia, klik pada “Ciptakan Sebuah Blog”. (jika ada di luar wilayah Indonesia, bahasa otomatis akan diset pada bahasa di tempat Anda membuka
3. Di halaman kedua ini (Ciptakan Sebuah Akun Google), Anda diminta mengisi formulir yang tersedia di sana. Kemudian klik “Lanjutkan”.
4. Halaman berikutnya Anda diminta mengisi Judul Blog (Creative Ideas, misalnya) dan Nama Blog (ide17, misalnya). Kemudian klik “Lanjutkan”. Jika Nama Blog sudah dipakai orang lain, halaman berikutnya tidak akan terbuka. Ulangi langkah ini sampai Nama Blog tersedia dan halaman selanjutnya terbuka.
5. Di halaman ini, Anda dapat memilih “Template”. Pilih sesuai selera Anda dan sebaiknya dipilih warna yang bersahabat dengan mata, misalnya putih atau krem atau warna-warna yang kalem. Setelah menentuka pilihan, klik “Lanjutkan”.
6. Anda siap mengisi blog Anda sekarang.
7. Jika ingin Log In pada waktu yang lain, gunakan saja alamat email dan password yang tadi Anda masukkan di langkah ke-3.
8. Selamat memperbaharui dan menulis artikel di blog Anda.
Sebelum saya lupa, untuk mendapatkan penghasilan lewat blog, artikel yang Anda tulis sebaiknya ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Paling tidak 50:50 porsi Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. Jika tidak, perjalanan Anda dalam mempertebal kantong akan terhenti karena masalah bahasa yang tidak compatible dengan layanan penyedia iklan.
Setelah mem-posting artikel (paling tidak ada sudah ada 5 artikel di blog Anda), Anda dapat mendaftar di Google AdSense atau AdBrite atau yang lain. Untuk hal pendaftaran di Google AdSense akan saya tulis di artikel selanjutnya. Jadi jangan bosan-bosan mengunjungi blog saya ini ya?!
Movement is fast and brave. Results come abundant.
For those who have succeeded in the world of entrepreneurship, of course understand the importance of very rapid movement, and dare to take risks. Two things that become part of some key work in the independent. Bold step and try to move as quickly as possible in the posture of the change is happening around.
Responsibility of the risk may be to get the results that may be of.
Words that I think is suitable to be applied in every step you carry in food. Like the word "no results without risk." Whether true or not in my opinion is, that myself will be sure about this.
The greater the results, then the greater the risk that must be faced. Moreover, in the entrepreneurial world with a very heavy competition. Courage us in determining the attitude of course would be very influential on the final results that we can. Great courage, will bring big results.
Movement is quick to welcome all the circumstances that come in front of us.
Often the opportunities in all things came very quickly. Sometimes even without us realize. Response of this condition will be very important. Of course, action must be followed with a fast and precise to welcome this new situation. When less quickly, it is difficult to achieve the opportunity. Almost not a chance that may come together in front of us twice. At least a few times that I know of yourself.
Sorry, this article is quite short. Thank you for visiting friends!
Hopefully useful!
Responsibility of the risk may be to get the results that may be of.
Words that I think is suitable to be applied in every step you carry in food. Like the word "no results without risk." Whether true or not in my opinion is, that myself will be sure about this.
The greater the results, then the greater the risk that must be faced. Moreover, in the entrepreneurial world with a very heavy competition. Courage us in determining the attitude of course would be very influential on the final results that we can. Great courage, will bring big results.
Movement is quick to welcome all the circumstances that come in front of us.
Often the opportunities in all things came very quickly. Sometimes even without us realize. Response of this condition will be very important. Of course, action must be followed with a fast and precise to welcome this new situation. When less quickly, it is difficult to achieve the opportunity. Almost not a chance that may come together in front of us twice. At least a few times that I know of yourself.
Sorry, this article is quite short. Thank you for visiting friends!
Hopefully useful!
Friday, March 20, 2009
How to showing the number of your Blogger visitors
For the owner of the URL in your blogger blog service or the other would want to show the number of people who visit your blog page. This actually can be done with entering the "profile" from the main page of your site, but it is less practical to be done. Most visitors to your blog certainly feel reluctant to do this.
There is a quite easy way to do so that the number of visitors to your blog page can be displayed automatically on the main page of your blog. You can follow the steps below to display the number of visitors easily.
1. Visit the just
2. On this page you can directly determine the model number of visitors who view you like. Live simply click one of the models that are available there.
3. The next page you requested fill
"Website URL". Fill in the address of your blog. For example
"Starting Count". Fill with whatever number you want. This number will appear as the number of visitors you first. For example, you fill the 7, then the number shown on your blog page as the number of visitors is a 7.
"Increment on". Select the "all hits" to be detected by all the visitors hit counter.
"Is this a new or an existing account?" . Select "new".
"Email address". fill with your email address.
"Password". Fill in the password you will use to log in on the hit counter again.
4. Mark on "I am interested in getting .................."
5. Then select the "Submit".
6. On page 3, to this you will get the code directly from the hit counter.
7. Copy all the code you can.
8. The next step, go to site or other services you use.
9. If you are using blogger, go to the tab "Layout".
10. Select "Page Elements".
11. Then click on "Add a Gadget."
12. Click the "plus" (+) on the top right of the "HTML / JavaScript".
13. Give it a title in the "Title" to the name in the number of your visitors. For example, with the Visitors, Visitors, or the other.
14. Paste the code before you copy in the "Content".
15. Then select "Save".
16. Stay where you set the display the number of visitors in the right place with drag and drop as usual.
17. The last step, click the "Save".
18. You have successfully display the number of visitors on your blog page. To see the looks, please click on "View Blog".
Display the number of visitors can be seen all visitors easily without having to enter the other pages.
Happy Testing!
Thank you!
There is a quite easy way to do so that the number of visitors to your blog page can be displayed automatically on the main page of your blog. You can follow the steps below to display the number of visitors easily.
1. Visit the just
2. On this page you can directly determine the model number of visitors who view you like. Live simply click one of the models that are available there.
3. The next page you requested fill
"Website URL". Fill in the address of your blog. For example
"Starting Count". Fill with whatever number you want. This number will appear as the number of visitors you first. For example, you fill the 7, then the number shown on your blog page as the number of visitors is a 7.
"Increment on". Select the "all hits" to be detected by all the visitors hit counter.
"Is this a new or an existing account?" . Select "new".
"Email address". fill with your email address.
"Password". Fill in the password you will use to log in on the hit counter again.
4. Mark on "I am interested in getting .................."
5. Then select the "Submit".
6. On page 3, to this you will get the code directly from the hit counter.
7. Copy all the code you can.
8. The next step, go to site or other services you use.
9. If you are using blogger, go to the tab "Layout".
10. Select "Page Elements".
11. Then click on "Add a Gadget."
12. Click the "plus" (+) on the top right of the "HTML / JavaScript".
13. Give it a title in the "Title" to the name in the number of your visitors. For example, with the Visitors, Visitors, or the other.
14. Paste the code before you copy in the "Content".
15. Then select "Save".
16. Stay where you set the display the number of visitors in the right place with drag and drop as usual.
17. The last step, click the "Save".
18. You have successfully display the number of visitors on your blog page. To see the looks, please click on "View Blog".
Display the number of visitors can be seen all visitors easily without having to enter the other pages.
Happy Testing!
Thank you!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
You do not quit this job, but get away from it.
By: Dawn Steel
Some people do work that does not actually mean. When they retire, this is the truth that their responsibilities should be.
By: Brendan Francis
Trust the little voice that constantly resonates and said, "This may be successful and I will try."
By: Diane MAriechild
By: Dawn Steel
Some people do work that does not actually mean. When they retire, this is the truth that their responsibilities should be.
By: Brendan Francis
Trust the little voice that constantly resonates and said, "This may be successful and I will try."
By: Diane MAriechild
Monday, March 16, 2009
There Is Good News For You Who Do Not Like To Be An Employee
Last year, in 2008, the event was held exchanges jobs. Regular called Job Fair. Perhaps among the readers who have joined the event. There is in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, and no lag in Yogyakarta.
I happened to be one of the steering committee staff Job Fair is in Yogyakarta. This event was last held in November 2008. Do you know the number of visitors who attend the event? More than six thousand people. Try to imagine! This amount is in fact still have a rival, one of the stock held in Bandung, or if not in Jakarta (I rather forget), which amounted to about ten thousand inhabitants.
The participants of this new period in a job fair and a new one on the (Java), not on the periods before and the year before and at the other places. Can be the size of the people who are interested to become employees of leading companies.
As a happy romp in the field of entrepreneurship, we would be happy to hear this news. Not because of the many exchanges that are intermediaries between the company and job seeker in the hope that we become more easily find work in the company of others, but because many people are not interested to enter the entrepreneurial world. This is evident from the many participants of the exchanges have been implemented. This is certainly not directly impact on our competitors in the field of entrepreneurship that interest us. Many competitors in the field of entrepreneurship will not likely grow significantly in the near future, for many people who are not interested to go to the field of entrepreneurship and competition are still searching for the others work as employees of the company.
Good news for entrepreneurs this I think will continue this year. May be proved at the end of this year 2009. We can only hope that the job fair this year as fixed or even more so that our competitors will be on the wane. Or even if able to, we can only hope that new business that started to built now log in as the job fair. As a company that requires employees of course.
To be able to feel this good news, there is only one way for us, go directly to the entrepreneurial world. Although the need to make this determination is strong and big enough risk. And of course take a large amount of courage to be able to self (as an entrepreneur).
Let's start right now to built an our company, so that the end of this year you can offer your company to the Job Fair committee in 2009.
Let's to be Entrepreneur!
Good Luck to Be a Success Person!
I happened to be one of the steering committee staff Job Fair is in Yogyakarta. This event was last held in November 2008. Do you know the number of visitors who attend the event? More than six thousand people. Try to imagine! This amount is in fact still have a rival, one of the stock held in Bandung, or if not in Jakarta (I rather forget), which amounted to about ten thousand inhabitants.
The participants of this new period in a job fair and a new one on the (Java), not on the periods before and the year before and at the other places. Can be the size of the people who are interested to become employees of leading companies.
As a happy romp in the field of entrepreneurship, we would be happy to hear this news. Not because of the many exchanges that are intermediaries between the company and job seeker in the hope that we become more easily find work in the company of others, but because many people are not interested to enter the entrepreneurial world. This is evident from the many participants of the exchanges have been implemented. This is certainly not directly impact on our competitors in the field of entrepreneurship that interest us. Many competitors in the field of entrepreneurship will not likely grow significantly in the near future, for many people who are not interested to go to the field of entrepreneurship and competition are still searching for the others work as employees of the company.
Good news for entrepreneurs this I think will continue this year. May be proved at the end of this year 2009. We can only hope that the job fair this year as fixed or even more so that our competitors will be on the wane. Or even if able to, we can only hope that new business that started to built now log in as the job fair. As a company that requires employees of course.
To be able to feel this good news, there is only one way for us, go directly to the entrepreneurial world. Although the need to make this determination is strong and big enough risk. And of course take a large amount of courage to be able to self (as an entrepreneur).
Let's start right now to built an our company, so that the end of this year you can offer your company to the Job Fair committee in 2009.
Let's to be Entrepreneur!
Good Luck to Be a Success Person!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Angkringan Siang yang Mapan dan Inovatif
Gambar di ambil dari
Yogyakarta terkenal sebagai kota kuliner, juga kota budaya. Kedua hal ini hampir tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari. Bahkan, “budaya makan” pun sampai-sampai ada di kota gudeg ini. Satu kebiasaan masyarakat di Yogyakarta dalam hal “makan-memakan” adalah makan di gerobak-gerobak penjual makanan di pinggir jalan pada waktu malam hari. Tentu teman-teman tahu bahwa yang saya maksud adalah “ANGKRINGAN”. Yupz, angkringan memang menjadi aset budaya Djogja yang telah ada sejak jaman ‘baheulah”. Baik penduduk asli maupun perantau dan pelajar dari luar daerah banyak yang sengaja menyempatkan diri untuk dapat makan atau sekedar nongkrong bersama teman-teman di angkringan favorit masing-masing.
Suasana makan di angkringan memang khas. Khas masyarakat Djogja yang terdiri dari beragam latar belakang sosial ekonomi. Hal ini salah satu yang menyebabkan gerobak-gerobak angkringan selalu kebanjiran pembeli. Apalagi faktor harga yang sangat ramah pada kantong juga ikut serta mendukung kelarisan penjaja makanan dengan angkringan. Ini membuat menu di angkringan semakin laris manis saja.
Sekarang, mari kita lihat ada hal tersembunyi apa yang dapat kita manfaatkan di balik laris-manisnya angkringan, khususnya di kota Djokdjakarta ini. Let’s go.......
Teman-teman pasti tahu kalau tempat makan ini hanya buka dari sore hari, sekitar jam 17.00, hingga larut malam, tergantung jumlah pembeli yang tertarik ke dalamnya. Lalu bagaimana dengan mereka yang sebenarnya ingin makan dalam suasana angkringan namun tidak biasa keluar rumah atau kost pada malam hari? Teman-teman wanita dan ibu-ibu misalnya.
Bagaimana jika ada ANGKRINGAN yang buka pada SIANG HARI? Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mencoba membuka tipe angkringan siang?
Menurut saya ini cukup menarik untuk dicoba. Tentu saja ada beberapa perbedaan dibandingkan angkringan versi biasa. Salah satunya adalah soal tempat. Anda harus memiliki tempat yang tetap. Misalnya di depan rumah atau di tempat yang disewakan pada tempat-tempat strategis. Hal ini untuk menghindari datangnya petugas penertib kota atau polisi yang tertarik untuk datang ke tempat Anda. Tentunya bukan untuk makan di sana, tapi untuk memboyong gerobak beserta isi-isinya dengan tuduhan mengganggu ketertiban kota jika angkringan Anda “parkir” di pinggir-pinggir jalan layaknya angkringan versi konvensional. Dengan berdagang di tempat yang menjadi hak Anda pribadi, petugas tersebut tidak akan tertarik untuk datang ke tempat Anda, kecuali untuk makan siang bersama teman-temannya.
Tapi tipe angkringan siang saya akui pasti akan memiliki suasana yang berbeda dengan angkringan malam hari. Terutama suasana malam yang dingin dan gelap, saya pastikan tidak akan bisa didapatkan oleh pembeli di angkringan siang Anda. Namun Anda masih bisa mempertahankan suasana keakraban di tempat usaha Anda dengan menyajikan kesederhanaan menu makanan yang ramah di kantong dan tempat yang sederhana.
Untuk menambah jumlah pengunjung ke angkringan siang Anda, bisa dilakukan sedikit inovasi pada tempat dagang Anda. Jika Anda sanggup, sediakan beberapa buah gerobak angkringan untuk beberapa tipe pengunjung. Yang pertama cukup Anda poles angkringan dengan sentuhan khas angkringan biasa yang sederhana, ramah pengunjung, dan bernuansa khas angkringan. Yang kedua untuk orang yang kurang suka dengan kesederhanaan. Anda bisa mendekorasi dan menyajikan angkringan Anda layaknya sebuah kafe. Ada lantunan musik klasik yang menemani konsumen Anda, ada lampu-lampu, dan lain-lain yang Anda ketahui, juga tentu saja berada di dalam sebuah ruang. (Sebenarnya saya kurang tahu mengenai konsep kafe sebenarnya, jadi tidak saya bahas terlalu jauh. I am sorry ya!). Dekorasi terakhir yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah memasang layanan internet. Bisa berupa wifi maupun dengan koneksi melalui kabel teleponm atau sarana koneksi yang lain. Hal ini akan bermanfaat bagi pembeli di tempat angkringan Anda, nuansa kesederhanaan maupun suasana kafe, yang ingin makan di suasana khas angkringan sambil mengerjakan tugas dari dosen atau dari atasan yang membuthkan koneksi internet.
Satu hal yang penting di samping semua hal di atas adalaah menu makanan yang Anda sajikan sebaiknya tetap mengikuti menu angkringan seperti bisanya, seperti nasi kucing (sebagai menu khas angkringan selama ini), teh panas, es teh, gorengan, es jeruk , es kopi, dan menu lain menurut kreativitas Anda sendiri. Dengan harga yang tetap ramah di kantong pelanggan tentunya.
Demikian ide kali ini. Semua hal di atas hanyalah sedikit pancingan bagi Anda yang tetarik. Semua yang dibutuhkan bisa Anda tambahi sendiri.
Tertarik untuk membuka usaha angkringan pada siang hari?
Semoga beruntung!
Salam Sukses!

Suasana makan di angkringan memang khas. Khas masyarakat Djogja yang terdiri dari beragam latar belakang sosial ekonomi. Hal ini salah satu yang menyebabkan gerobak-gerobak angkringan selalu kebanjiran pembeli. Apalagi faktor harga yang sangat ramah pada kantong juga ikut serta mendukung kelarisan penjaja makanan dengan angkringan. Ini membuat menu di angkringan semakin laris manis saja.
Sekarang, mari kita lihat ada hal tersembunyi apa yang dapat kita manfaatkan di balik laris-manisnya angkringan, khususnya di kota Djokdjakarta ini. Let’s go.......
Teman-teman pasti tahu kalau tempat makan ini hanya buka dari sore hari, sekitar jam 17.00, hingga larut malam, tergantung jumlah pembeli yang tertarik ke dalamnya. Lalu bagaimana dengan mereka yang sebenarnya ingin makan dalam suasana angkringan namun tidak biasa keluar rumah atau kost pada malam hari? Teman-teman wanita dan ibu-ibu misalnya.
Bagaimana jika ada ANGKRINGAN yang buka pada SIANG HARI? Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mencoba membuka tipe angkringan siang?
Menurut saya ini cukup menarik untuk dicoba. Tentu saja ada beberapa perbedaan dibandingkan angkringan versi biasa. Salah satunya adalah soal tempat. Anda harus memiliki tempat yang tetap. Misalnya di depan rumah atau di tempat yang disewakan pada tempat-tempat strategis. Hal ini untuk menghindari datangnya petugas penertib kota atau polisi yang tertarik untuk datang ke tempat Anda. Tentunya bukan untuk makan di sana, tapi untuk memboyong gerobak beserta isi-isinya dengan tuduhan mengganggu ketertiban kota jika angkringan Anda “parkir” di pinggir-pinggir jalan layaknya angkringan versi konvensional. Dengan berdagang di tempat yang menjadi hak Anda pribadi, petugas tersebut tidak akan tertarik untuk datang ke tempat Anda, kecuali untuk makan siang bersama teman-temannya.
Tapi tipe angkringan siang saya akui pasti akan memiliki suasana yang berbeda dengan angkringan malam hari. Terutama suasana malam yang dingin dan gelap, saya pastikan tidak akan bisa didapatkan oleh pembeli di angkringan siang Anda. Namun Anda masih bisa mempertahankan suasana keakraban di tempat usaha Anda dengan menyajikan kesederhanaan menu makanan yang ramah di kantong dan tempat yang sederhana.
Untuk menambah jumlah pengunjung ke angkringan siang Anda, bisa dilakukan sedikit inovasi pada tempat dagang Anda. Jika Anda sanggup, sediakan beberapa buah gerobak angkringan untuk beberapa tipe pengunjung. Yang pertama cukup Anda poles angkringan dengan sentuhan khas angkringan biasa yang sederhana, ramah pengunjung, dan bernuansa khas angkringan. Yang kedua untuk orang yang kurang suka dengan kesederhanaan. Anda bisa mendekorasi dan menyajikan angkringan Anda layaknya sebuah kafe. Ada lantunan musik klasik yang menemani konsumen Anda, ada lampu-lampu, dan lain-lain yang Anda ketahui, juga tentu saja berada di dalam sebuah ruang. (Sebenarnya saya kurang tahu mengenai konsep kafe sebenarnya, jadi tidak saya bahas terlalu jauh. I am sorry ya!). Dekorasi terakhir yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah memasang layanan internet. Bisa berupa wifi maupun dengan koneksi melalui kabel teleponm atau sarana koneksi yang lain. Hal ini akan bermanfaat bagi pembeli di tempat angkringan Anda, nuansa kesederhanaan maupun suasana kafe, yang ingin makan di suasana khas angkringan sambil mengerjakan tugas dari dosen atau dari atasan yang membuthkan koneksi internet.
Satu hal yang penting di samping semua hal di atas adalaah menu makanan yang Anda sajikan sebaiknya tetap mengikuti menu angkringan seperti bisanya, seperti nasi kucing (sebagai menu khas angkringan selama ini), teh panas, es teh, gorengan, es jeruk , es kopi, dan menu lain menurut kreativitas Anda sendiri. Dengan harga yang tetap ramah di kantong pelanggan tentunya.
Demikian ide kali ini. Semua hal di atas hanyalah sedikit pancingan bagi Anda yang tetarik. Semua yang dibutuhkan bisa Anda tambahi sendiri.
Tertarik untuk membuka usaha angkringan pada siang hari?
Semoga beruntung!
Salam Sukses!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Develop your bag with Ornamental Plants

Business in this field will certainly as fertile as ornamental plants business if you are interested. The fertile plants that you offer to consumers, the more fertile rupiah also grow in your bag. Especially if you always follow the trend ornamental plants, hunters of the plant which pretty sure will also take part to run out you for a few million as their gun.
Efforts in this field can choose between a distributor or as well as the developer. Select the role to stay interesting and which you like.
1. Developer of ornamental plants
As a person who as developer of ornamental plants, of course you must understand about the specifics of your plant which interesting you. Start of when the planting season, how to planting, treatment, till how to enhance the ornamental plants.
I am on a little info about the cultivation of several types of ornamental plants;
a. Aglonema
To planting Aglonema need a mixture of humus, charcoal, husk, bran obsolete, coarse sand, soil and garden. This plant should given water once at 3-4 days. In the case of lighting, should be placed under the roof or a rack that only get light from the side. It will grow optimally.
Aglonema may be planting with its stem or the planting its seeds.
b. Anthurium
Anthurium planting media is mixture of humus, manure, sand and river. If you want to grow in a pot, before planting the media included in the pot that has been coated fraction precarious and brick red.
Anthurium may be through seed and from its stem. Both have certain advantages of each. Once planted, the plants are kept flush with the 1-2 times a day. About the lighting, the plant is not resistant to direct sunlight, so must be placed in the shade. Do not forget to remove the leaves of the plants to dry before you look beautiful.
For other types of plants and for more information, please visit the sources of related information.
2. Distributor of ornamental plants
If you're interested in becoming a distributor of hunters looking for ornamental plants, things you should do of course is not difficult as the withdrawal of. You only need to know the treatment of ornamental plants that you sell. The rest, such as ornamental plants enhance the view, you should not be capable, but also good enough if you want to do so.
As a distributor, look for the connection as much as possible to the fans, and of ornamental plants. This will be your need for the dollar in your pocket. It is no less important, you should follow the trend of ornamental plants. Of course this is useful to make your relationship with your subscription customers.
So that is how to get profit from the development of ornamental plants around us. Select as developer or as a distributor, all depending on your interests and abilities of each.
Happy start your business of decorative plants.
Good Luck!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Kesuksesan Percetakan pada Waktu yang Tepat
Di Indonesia, sekarang ini mendekati masa-masa kampanye untuk menyambut Pemilu bulan April depan. Demikian banyaknya partai tentunya membutuhkan media publikasi untuk memperkenalkan diri mereka kepada masyarakat luas. Tujuan mereka tentu saja agar bisa menang saat Pemilu nanti.
Publikasi yang biasanya digunakan partai politik berupa poster, baliho, spanduk, maupun kaos. Nah, bukankah semua itu membutuhkan jasa percetakan?
Untuk memanfaatkan keadaan yang hanya berlangsung lima tahun sekali ini, percetakan adalah usaha yang paling tepat untuk diimplementasikan.
Mari kita mendirikan usaha percetakan.
Sekedar usaha dadakan pun tidak masalah. Anda bisa memilih tipe percetakan berikut:
1. Percetakan mandiri, atau
2. Percetakan semi mandiri
Percetakan mandiri berarti Anda mendirikan sebuah percetakan, percetakan poster misalnya. Mulai dari alat cetak, bahan dasar berupa kertas dan sebagainya, tenaga untuk menjalankan, modal, dan apapun yang dibutuhkan oleh sebuah perusahaan percetakan Anda penuhi sendiri dengan modal pribadi Anda. Tak ketinggalan promosi harus Anda lakukan untuk menarik minat konsumen. Jika para konsumen tertarik pada percetakan yang Anda dirikan, mereka akan memesan di tempat Anda. Dan sedikit demi sedikit keuntungan akan menghampiri Anda. Keuntungan yang Anda ambil bisa sebesar mungkin, asalkan masih tetap dapat bersaing dengan harga pasar. Namun perlu diingat bahwa modal mendirikan percetakan terbilang cukup besar. (Maaf, angka pastinya saya kurang tahu)
Percetakan semi mandiri dimaksudkan untuk Anda yang tidak mampu untuk melakukan pengadaan peralatan percetakan dan tenaga kerja serta modal lainnya. Anda tetap berpeluang mendapatkan pemenuhan kantong Anda. Caranya adalah dengan membuka tempat pemesanan percetakan. Anda adalah sebagai perantara antara konsumen dan perusahaan percetakan.
Anda bisa mempromosikan perusahaan Anda sebagai penerima jasa percetakan. Tapi nantinya, setelah ada orang yang memesan kepada Anda, Anda meneruskan pesanan itu kepada perusahaan percetakan yang sebenarnya (yang menerima jasa cetak). Kemudian percetakan tersebut yang akan mengerjakan pesanan yang Anda terima dari konsumen. Hasil kerja percetakan itu yang Anda berikan ke konsumen tadi.
Jika ada banyak pemesan di tempat Anda, pesanan Anda ke percetakan akan semakin banyak pula. Semakin banyak jumlah pesanan yang Anda ajukan ke percetakan, harganya akan semakin murah, namun harga yang Anda berikan ke konsumen adalah harga normal sebagaimana promosi yang Anda lakukan dulu. Selisih harga itu yang akan menjadi keuntungan Anda.
Dengan cara ini, Anda tidak perlu memiliki modal besar untuk awalnya. Anda hanya perlu melakukan pengamatan terhadap percetakan-percetakan yang tersebar di sekitar Anda, kemudian jika memungkinkan menjalin kerja sama dengan mereka. Kualitas pun harus Anda amati dari tiap-tiap percetakan, agar tidak mengecewakan konsumen. Ada baiknya Anda mempunyai link dengan beberapa perusahaan percetakan agar Anda bisa mempunyai banyak pilihan saat Anda akan meneruskan pesanan yang datang kepada Anda.
Keuntungan finansial dari sistem yang kedua ini memang tidak sebesar sistem pertama tadi karena keuntungan dari konsumen secara tidak langsung dibagi dua, antara Anda dan perusahaan percetakan yang menjadi mitra Anda. Namun resiko yang Anda tanggung tergolong kecil. Paling-paling kerugian terbesar yang Anda tanggung jika tidak laku adalah waktu, tenaga, dan biaya promosi saja. Selain itu tidak ada lagi.
Selanjutnya, sistem mana yang akan Anda pilih, merupakan pilihan pribadi Anda masing-masing.
Selamat mencoba peruntungan pada era Pemilu kali ini!
Selamat mendirikan Percetakan!!
Semoga Dewi Fortuna bersama Anda!
Publikasi yang biasanya digunakan partai politik berupa poster, baliho, spanduk, maupun kaos. Nah, bukankah semua itu membutuhkan jasa percetakan?
Untuk memanfaatkan keadaan yang hanya berlangsung lima tahun sekali ini, percetakan adalah usaha yang paling tepat untuk diimplementasikan.
Mari kita mendirikan usaha percetakan.
Sekedar usaha dadakan pun tidak masalah. Anda bisa memilih tipe percetakan berikut:
1. Percetakan mandiri, atau
2. Percetakan semi mandiri
Percetakan mandiri berarti Anda mendirikan sebuah percetakan, percetakan poster misalnya. Mulai dari alat cetak, bahan dasar berupa kertas dan sebagainya, tenaga untuk menjalankan, modal, dan apapun yang dibutuhkan oleh sebuah perusahaan percetakan Anda penuhi sendiri dengan modal pribadi Anda. Tak ketinggalan promosi harus Anda lakukan untuk menarik minat konsumen. Jika para konsumen tertarik pada percetakan yang Anda dirikan, mereka akan memesan di tempat Anda. Dan sedikit demi sedikit keuntungan akan menghampiri Anda. Keuntungan yang Anda ambil bisa sebesar mungkin, asalkan masih tetap dapat bersaing dengan harga pasar. Namun perlu diingat bahwa modal mendirikan percetakan terbilang cukup besar. (Maaf, angka pastinya saya kurang tahu)
Percetakan semi mandiri dimaksudkan untuk Anda yang tidak mampu untuk melakukan pengadaan peralatan percetakan dan tenaga kerja serta modal lainnya. Anda tetap berpeluang mendapatkan pemenuhan kantong Anda. Caranya adalah dengan membuka tempat pemesanan percetakan. Anda adalah sebagai perantara antara konsumen dan perusahaan percetakan.
Anda bisa mempromosikan perusahaan Anda sebagai penerima jasa percetakan. Tapi nantinya, setelah ada orang yang memesan kepada Anda, Anda meneruskan pesanan itu kepada perusahaan percetakan yang sebenarnya (yang menerima jasa cetak). Kemudian percetakan tersebut yang akan mengerjakan pesanan yang Anda terima dari konsumen. Hasil kerja percetakan itu yang Anda berikan ke konsumen tadi.
Jika ada banyak pemesan di tempat Anda, pesanan Anda ke percetakan akan semakin banyak pula. Semakin banyak jumlah pesanan yang Anda ajukan ke percetakan, harganya akan semakin murah, namun harga yang Anda berikan ke konsumen adalah harga normal sebagaimana promosi yang Anda lakukan dulu. Selisih harga itu yang akan menjadi keuntungan Anda.
Dengan cara ini, Anda tidak perlu memiliki modal besar untuk awalnya. Anda hanya perlu melakukan pengamatan terhadap percetakan-percetakan yang tersebar di sekitar Anda, kemudian jika memungkinkan menjalin kerja sama dengan mereka. Kualitas pun harus Anda amati dari tiap-tiap percetakan, agar tidak mengecewakan konsumen. Ada baiknya Anda mempunyai link dengan beberapa perusahaan percetakan agar Anda bisa mempunyai banyak pilihan saat Anda akan meneruskan pesanan yang datang kepada Anda.
Keuntungan finansial dari sistem yang kedua ini memang tidak sebesar sistem pertama tadi karena keuntungan dari konsumen secara tidak langsung dibagi dua, antara Anda dan perusahaan percetakan yang menjadi mitra Anda. Namun resiko yang Anda tanggung tergolong kecil. Paling-paling kerugian terbesar yang Anda tanggung jika tidak laku adalah waktu, tenaga, dan biaya promosi saja. Selain itu tidak ada lagi.
Selanjutnya, sistem mana yang akan Anda pilih, merupakan pilihan pribadi Anda masing-masing.
Selamat mencoba peruntungan pada era Pemilu kali ini!
Selamat mendirikan Percetakan!!
Semoga Dewi Fortuna bersama Anda!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
It is the information needed
World increasingly crowded with the various waves of information that is not checked. Many of our present information that would get a rousing welcome from the search information.
People who need this information is sometimes willing to do anything to get what they want from anywhere. Of course, this situation can be used by some people who are interested to take advantage.
Suppose you have information that is important and that chase each be pursued by many people. You are interested in the possibility to spread information that you have it.
As a provider of information, provision of key that you must have is the ability to write and speak to disseminate this information.
All people can surely write, but people would not recognize any posts. Writing a very simple one.
Well, to take advantage of the rate of craze this information, you can sell information directly or indirectly. Directly mean really sell the information you have to those in need. This information can you sell in the form of books, articles in newspapers, the photographs that you offer to a publisher or paid content on the internet. And, of course, through the seminars that you have put yourself or seminar that you want to fill the event.
The second way is to sell the information indirectly. Sell the information does not mean you immediately provide the information free or free in one of the media on the internet, can be a blog or website, and also through the bulletin that is usually published in the schools and universities wherever located. Of course, website, blog, bulletin and can be enjoyed for free by anyone.
If so, how to earn money from here? Kan free access! Patience, patience ............
Here, we first create the information needed and important people, at least by some people that we know. If the media information that you are doing a lot of people start, the long run there will be people interested in advertising in the media that information. If there are people who are interested to start advertising there, so from their dollars or rupiah downpours will flow to your bag.
The second method take that long to get results. However, relatively easy to do because the level of competition in this case difficult is not the same as the competition in writing books, articles in magazines or newspapers. In addition, I think will give better results if you successfully attract readers and advertisers. On the other hand, the first method also gives you an advantage, it can give you income instantly.
But all of that back to your own. Want to take the road which is up to you. It is the way but is more rapid, or a long road but be more comfortable?
Thanks to you who have read this article!
People who need this information is sometimes willing to do anything to get what they want from anywhere. Of course, this situation can be used by some people who are interested to take advantage.
Suppose you have information that is important and that chase each be pursued by many people. You are interested in the possibility to spread information that you have it.
As a provider of information, provision of key that you must have is the ability to write and speak to disseminate this information.
All people can surely write, but people would not recognize any posts. Writing a very simple one.
Well, to take advantage of the rate of craze this information, you can sell information directly or indirectly. Directly mean really sell the information you have to those in need. This information can you sell in the form of books, articles in newspapers, the photographs that you offer to a publisher or paid content on the internet. And, of course, through the seminars that you have put yourself or seminar that you want to fill the event.
The second way is to sell the information indirectly. Sell the information does not mean you immediately provide the information free or free in one of the media on the internet, can be a blog or website, and also through the bulletin that is usually published in the schools and universities wherever located. Of course, website, blog, bulletin and can be enjoyed for free by anyone.
If so, how to earn money from here? Kan free access! Patience, patience ............
Here, we first create the information needed and important people, at least by some people that we know. If the media information that you are doing a lot of people start, the long run there will be people interested in advertising in the media that information. If there are people who are interested to start advertising there, so from their dollars or rupiah downpours will flow to your bag.
The second method take that long to get results. However, relatively easy to do because the level of competition in this case difficult is not the same as the competition in writing books, articles in magazines or newspapers. In addition, I think will give better results if you successfully attract readers and advertisers. On the other hand, the first method also gives you an advantage, it can give you income instantly.
But all of that back to your own. Want to take the road which is up to you. It is the way but is more rapid, or a long road but be more comfortable?
Thanks to you who have read this article!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Millions of Opportunities In The World
There are millions of opportunities in the world where we live this. But, of course, our fingers will never be enough to calculate the various opportunities that have not been taken, and have not even seen the person. Dozens, hundreds, thousands, even millions of places are still out there in the blank. Would you like to take this place or the people on the other? Do you willing submit one of the thousands of empty places that have not seen it on other people?
I am sure many of you are not willing to lose many valuable opportunities after successful know about it. For that let us see one by one from the millions of places on earth that can be used to improve the quality of our lives together. Quality can be any form, whether the financial certainty sought by many people, the science is very efficient for all the scope of life and is also directly related to financial and other matters that will be useful for you. Of course all this was to be no harm another person, except in the form of a healthy business competition.
In the near future, possibly tomorrow, I will invite you to start to see the opportunities provided to our world. Of course, as a newcomer, I ask for help from you all who have had prior experience. We thank you for you visit! :-)
I am sure many of you are not willing to lose many valuable opportunities after successful know about it. For that let us see one by one from the millions of places on earth that can be used to improve the quality of our lives together. Quality can be any form, whether the financial certainty sought by many people, the science is very efficient for all the scope of life and is also directly related to financial and other matters that will be useful for you. Of course all this was to be no harm another person, except in the form of a healthy business competition.
In the near future, possibly tomorrow, I will invite you to start to see the opportunities provided to our world. Of course, as a newcomer, I ask for help from you all who have had prior experience. We thank you for you visit! :-)
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